Management of compost obtained from biodegradable household waste
Compost is the best natural fertilizer we can produce. It is richer in plant nutrients than any artificial fertilizer. The importance of compost, a sanitized product, is that it compensates for the loss of humus and restores cultivated soils to their natural fertility.
Why recycling POLYSTYRENE is it an environmental problem?
Every year, more than 15 million metric tons of polystyrene are produced in the world. Considering that the standard food container weighs under 300g, that's an unthinkable amount of Styrofoam to handle.
The first glass recycling station in the Republic of Moldova was launched by AO "RECICLARE"
On September 14, with the financial support of UNDP Moldova, through the GEF Small Grants Program and the Ministry of the Environment, AO RECICLARE launched the social campaign #eusortez.
The Regulation on the management of used tires was approved
The document obliges economic agents, tire manufacturers, to have an environmental authorization and to ensure the creation of a used tire collection network through car service centers, shopping centers, parking lots.
New requirements regarding administrator wastetheir regulated by Regulation on the transfer of waste!
The Regulation establishes control procedures and regimes for waste transfers, depending on the origin, destination and route of the transfer, the type of waste transferred and the type of management operation applied to the waste at destination.
Plastic particles in animal feed, blood, milk and meat
Nearly 80% of the meat and dairy products from farm animals that scientists have tested contain micro-plastics, claims a new study from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
Babies are exposed to very toxic diapers!
90% in European babies have been exposed to "very severe" chemicals in diapers/nappies sold across Europe in recent years, putting them at risk of "potentially very serious diseases" later in life.
Europe's transition to reusable packaging
In 2019, the packaging waste generated was estimated at 177.4 kg per inhabitant in the EU. Current waste management systems cannot cope with the increasing amount of waste generated.