Waste Management Magazine 3 (03) 2014

Waste Management Magazine 3 (03) 2014

15.00 MDI

Waste management is one of the most urgent ecological problems that localities in the country are currently facing. And that's because people don't perceive the gravity of the situation, and they don't realize their role in solving it. The Republic of Moldova could become a clean and prosperous country, where there would be light and warmth. Household garbage must be conceived as a possible solution to the energy problem and not as a burden for localities in the country, being buried tens of meters deep, to pollute the underground water for decades and decades.


Vitalie CURARARI interview – State environmental inspectors will not be loved by villains

It is proposed to set up the dumpster areas on well-designed platforms in front of the residential blocks. The problem of selective collection does not
will solve without the creation of a necessary infrastructure for residential blocks.