Blog articles

Support services purchase announcement!

Hereby, AO Training and Consulting Center "E-CIRCULAR", as the implementer of the project "Development of the capacities of AO E-Circular in the development and provision of CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROGRAMS for ADULTS towards a more efficient transition to a green economy" financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), invites you to send your price offer for the following services: No.Type of servicesUnitsSpecifications1 Content elaboration ,

Photo/video services purchase announcement

Hereby, AO Training and Consulting Center "E-CIRCULAR", as the implementer of the project "Development of the capacities of AO E-Circular in the development and provision of CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROGRAMS for ADULTS towards a more efficient transition to a green economy" financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), invites you to send your price offer for the following services: No. Type of service Specifications 1 Video recording

Straseni cleaning day

United for a clean community: Cleanliness Day marked in the municipality of Străseni!

AO The "E-Circular" Training and Consulting Center in partnership with AO Verde e Moldova and the Municipality of Strășeni have officially joined this year the International and National Cleaning Campaign by organizing an extensive sanitation campaign in the municipality of Strășeni with the generic "????̦? ?????? ? ????????? ??????̆!” With the support and involvement of Mrs. Valentina CASIAN, the Mayor of Străseni municipality, a total of over 500 citizens of Strašeni: civil servants, municipal councilors, representatives of public institutions, associative structures, economic agents, were organized and mobilized in

AD! Software product purchase

Hereby, AO Training and Consulting Center "E-CIRCULAR", as the implementer of the project "Development of the capacities of AO E-Circular in the development and provision of CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROGRAMS for ADULTS towards a more efficient transition to a green economy" financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), invites you to submit your price offer for the purchase of a software product (platform

Hiring an expert in the development of the Occupational Profile and the continuous training course for adults!

About the project Starting in August 2022, the "E-CIRCULAR" Training and Consulting Center AO started the implementation of the project "Development and provision of CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS towards a more efficient transition to a green economy" which is carried out with financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). The project is implemented between August and November 2022. In this context,

AD! Purchase of IT equipment

Hereby, AO Training and Consulting Center "E-CIRCULAR", as the implementer of the project "Development of the capacities of AO E-Circular in the development and provision of CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROGRAMS for ADULTS towards a more efficient transition to a green economy" financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), invites you to send your price offer for the following products: No.Type of equipment ITUUnitsSpecifications

IV Edition of the Online Dialogue Platform: "Waste Management" Magazine, no. 33/2022

On the current June 9, AO e-Circular Training and Consulting Center was the host of the 4th edition of the Online Dialogue Platform "Waste Management in the Republic of Moldova", on the occasion of the publication of issue 33 of the quarterly magazine Managementul Deșeurilor. During the event, some of the topics published on the pages of the magazine were discussed, with the aim of facilitating the process of informing participants from different regions of the country, from various fields of activity and occupational preferences, about good practices

WEEE class

The "WEEE Class" was launched in the premises of the College of Ecology, the first and only one in the country

On May 7th, the launch event of the first WEEE Class in the Republic of Moldova took place, as well as the completion and presentation of the results recorded throughout the implementation of the "We Recycle WEEE and Realize SDG" project, implemented by AO EcoDigital with the support of the Small Grants Program GEF – UNDP. The creation of a laboratory-type classroom dedicated to WEEE being one of the project's objectives, it is set up in the premises of the College of Ecology and is equipped with various WEEE samples, which allows studying and viewing in


The National WEEE Generation and Management Study 2022 has been published

AO EcoDigital presents the results Study on the generation and management of WEEE in the Republic of Moldova, carried out within the project "We recycle WEEE and realize the SDGs" implemented with the support GEF SGP Moldova Small Grants Program, UNDP Moldova, in the period March 2021- May 2022. The study presents an overview of the WEEE management sector at the national level through the lens of consumer preferences and current practices for the management of EEE and resulting waste

e-Recycling ambassadors from the national campaign "Moldova recycles WEEE"

The correct management of WEEE at the national level continues to represent a major challenge and not only ecologically and economically, but also in relation to the health of the country's population exposed to the effects of more than ?.??? of chemicals used in the manufacture of electronic products. Complementary the legal framework national regarding the responsibilities of manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market, educating an eco-responsible behavior in relation to the WEEE generated among the population is a key factor for improving