
Packaging waste a challenge for members of the APIAM collective system!

Given the recent approval of the Regulation on packaging and packaging waste by HG no. 561/2020 of 31.07.2020, producers of packaging waste of various types, no matter in which way (individual or collective), will be responsible for organizing the process of proper management of the generated waste. In this context, starting in 2023, they will also be responsible for reaching the first recycling recovery targets. More recently, the Ministry of Finance, during the working session organized on the platform of the Economic Council at the request of the Business Association

Environmental benefits associated with Green Public Procurement

An important tool to achieve environmental policy objectives related to climate change, resource use and sustainable consumption and production – especially given the importance of public sector spending on goods and services in Europe is Green Public Procurement (GPE). The principles and definition describing the concept of green public procurement (GPP) were detailed in the press release (COM (2008) 400) "Public procurement for a better environment". These meaning "a process by which public authorities do

Attracting investors, a necessity for SIMD from Moldova

Sergiu MACHIDON, entrepreneur with 11 years of experience and investment consultant for over 5 years, represents a group of private investors from Switzerland, Luxembourg and Great Britain, interested in investing in Integrated Waste Treatment and Recovery Stations. Sergiu has carried out feasibility studies for waste treatment projects in over 16 countries, including the Republic of Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Great Britain, USA, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Thailand, Vietnam,