Legislative news

New provisions regarding payment for environmental pollution enter into force from 01.10.2023

Law no. was published in the Official Monitor. 247 of July 31, 2023 for the amendment Law no. 1540/1998 regarding payment for environmental pollution and which comes into force from 01.10.2023 IMPORTANT! 1. New tariff headings have been introduced, which according to the Combined Nomenclature of Goods represent packaging made of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and which will be subject to packaging tax. Art. 11, paragraph (4). The tax rate for goods that cause environmental pollution in the process of use is determined as follows: Tariff item codePackaging material Tax rate

Waste transfer regulation

What does the new Waste Transfer Regulation provide and when does it come into force?

It enters into force from September 2023 The regulation on waste transfers approved by Government Decision no. 411 of 22.06.2022. With the entry into force of the new normative act, it will be repealed Government Decision no. 637/2003 regarding the control of the transboundary transport of waste and its disposal. The regulation on waste transfers is a very important normative act in order to implement and comply with measures to protect the environment and human health by preventing or

Stricter rules regarding waste transfers on the territory of the Republic of Moldova!

Waste traceability is the acquisition of a system to locate and follow the chronological path of a waste, identifying each of its records, from its generation until the end of its waste status, i.e. its recycling/disposal. Article 44. Waste transport (1) Specialized transport operators for waste transport must be authorized in accordance with this law. (2) The transport of waste is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the normative acts regulating the transport of dangerous goods on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. (3) The authority of the central public administration in the field