Empowerment of citizens of the Republic of Moldova

The "Run from Plastic" Project was launched in the Republic of Moldova

The "Fugi de PLASTIC/Run from PLASTIC" project is designed by JSC "EcoDigital" in partnership with AO Training and Consulting Centre "E-CIRCULAR", AO Run Moldova and AO Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Packaging from Moldova (APIAM) with the financial support of the Small Grants Program GEF SGP Moldova, implemented by UNDP. Project implementation period: November 2022 – November 2023. The goal of the "Fugi de PLASTIC/Run from PLASTIC" project is to reduce

Straseni cleaning day

United for a clean community: Cleanliness Day marked in the municipality of Străseni!

AO The "E-Circular" Training and Consulting Center in partnership with AO Verde e Moldova and the Municipality of Strășeni have officially joined this year the International and National Cleaning Campaign by organizing an extensive sanitation campaign in the municipality of Strășeni with the generic "????̦? ?????? ? ????????? ??????̆!” With the support and involvement of Mrs. Valentina CASIAN, the Mayor of Străseni municipality, a total of over 500 citizens of Strašeni: civil servants, municipal councilors, representatives of public institutions, associative structures, economic agents, were organized and mobilized in

EU// The project "Management of solid waste with the involvement of the community from Străseni" was successfully completed!

On the 27th of September, in the premises of the Străseni Municipality Town Hall, the Finalization Conference of the project "Management of solid waste through the active involvement of the community" Străseni district was held. The project was implemented by the AO Association for Waste Recovery within the EU Local Grants Program "Be the change: Citizens involved - Sustainable Communities!", launched through the project "Empowering citizens in the Republic of Moldova" (2019-2021), financed by to the European Union and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). The activities of this project were

EU//Online workshop on the "Polluter pays and extended producer responsibility: legal aspects" principle

Between September 17 and 21, 2021, the Association for Waste Recovery organized 3 online workshops on the application of the principle "The polluter pays: practical and legal aspects" with the involvement of the community from the 6 localities (municipality of Străseni, commune of Lozova, s. Sireți, s. Negrești, s. Scoreni and s. Vorniceni) beneficiary of the project "Management of solid waste through the active involvement of the community". The expert trained in the realization of these workshops, Mr. Igor ŞEREMET, presented and argued the importance of knowing and respecting the "polluter pays" principle, consumer rights

EU// Award gala for the most active participants in the "Say NO to Plastic Pollution" campaign

On Saturday, June 12, the "Mihai Eminescu" Park in the municipality of Strășeni hosted a special event, the Award Gala of the most active and responsible ambassadors from the "Say NO to Plastic Pollution" Campaign, an event part of the project "Solid waste management through the active involvement of the community in the Străseni district" implemented by AO Association for Waste Recovery, between September 2020 and August 2021, in 6 localities of Străseni district (Străseni municipality, Scoreni village, Lozova commune, Vorniceni village, Negrești village and Sireți village). the event

UE// Total 6 Workshops and over 300 residents of Străseni district trained on composting

Between 17 and 31 May 2021, AO Association for Waste Recovery organized 6 informative and practical workshops on waste composting in each of the 6 localities (Străseni municipality, Lozova commune, Sireți village, Negrești village, Scoreni village and s. Vorniceni) beneficiary of the project "Management of solid waste through the active involvement of the community". The expert trained in these workshops, Dul Sergiu Burcă, presented the methods and techniques of composting biodegradable waste in rural households. Composting workshops were designed by

EU// 100 opinion leaders from Străseni district trained to promote the separate collection of PLASTIC

Only a community informed and aware of the danger of PLASTIC pollution makes possible and determines the success of a project and the continuity of the actions carried out. Quoting Robert Swan, "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it..." it is very important now more than ever to act immediately and be responsible for the products we consume, the waste we generate, which if continue to be mismanaged are valuable wasted resources. In this sense, one of the basic activities

It is "ruble", I will sort. We separate the waste, we have what for

Text, photo, video: Carolina Buimestru "No, I don't sort. The only thing I sort is paper - notebooks, textbooks... They're scraps, I take them there and make money. "Rublă". When I agreed to write about the garbage from Străseni, I did not expect that I would discover such an acute problem. First of all, I went to talk to the residents in the center of Străseni - clearly, few rushed to answer my questions. As I expected, the world has bigger worries than sorting, recycling, the fate of garbage

UE// AVD launched the "Solid waste management with community involvement" project

On Friday, October 2, the project launch conference was held in the Străseni City Hall "Solid waste management with community involvement". The project is implemented by AO Association for Waste Recovery within the EU Local Grants Program "Be the change: Citizens involved - Sustainable Communities!", launched through the project "Empowering citizens in the Republic of Moldova" (2019-2021), financed by European Union and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). The activities of this project will be carried out between September 2020 and August

UE-GIZ// Launch of the project "Management of solid waste through the active involvement of the community"

AO "Association for Waste Recovery", announces the launch conference of the project "Solid waste management through the active involvement of the community in Străseni district", Friday, October 2, at 9:30 a.m., at the headquarters of the Străseni Municipality, Meeting Room. By launching this project, the Association aims to contribute directly to increasing community awareness and participation in order to reduce the impact of waste on the environment and health. Obviously, it is not an easy task, rather a challenge,