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This author e-circular has created 118 entries.

Packaging waste a challenge for members of the APIAM collective system!

Given the recent approval of the Regulation on packaging and packaging waste by HG no. 561/2020 of 31.07.2020, producers of packaging waste of various types, no matter in which way (individual or collective), will be responsible for organizing the process of proper management of the generated waste. In this context, starting in 2023, they will also be responsible for reaching the first recycling recovery targets. More recently, the Ministry of Finance, during the working session organized on the platform of the Economic Council at the request of the Business Association

It is "ruble", I will sort. We separate the waste, we have what for

Text, photo, video: Carolina Buimestru "No, I don't sort. The only thing I sort is paper - notebooks, textbooks... They're scraps, I take them there and make money. "Rublă". When I agreed to write about the garbage from Străseni, I did not expect that I would discover such an acute problem. First of all, I went to talk to the residents in the center of Străseni - clearly, few rushed to answer my questions. As I expected, the world has bigger worries than sorting, recycling, the fate of garbage

Separate waste collection in EUGreenWeek2020

Today, in the context of EUGreenWeek2020 (European Green Week 2020 in the Republic of Moldova), which takes place between October 19-23, 2020, AO Association for Waste Recovery together with ABS Recycling officially joined the launch of the campaign for the selective collection of recyclable waste within the Ministry of Agriculture , Regional Development and Environment (MADRM) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. The aim of this campaign is to educate responsible behavior in relation to the waste generated among employees working in these ministries, promoting

Online event "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Management"

Today, at the invitation Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI of the Republic of Moldova), Association for Waste Recovery and the Environment Agency continue the dialogue on the dimension of efficient waste management and direct management of electrical and electronic equipment waste. An increased focus was given to WEEE producers and their extended responsibility (REP), good practices and management solutions for this waste, the legislative framework regarding EEE, the obligations of producers and distributors, but also the sanctions on

"Drivers are needed in the EDUCATION of an average PRO attitude", "DeeeEDU" Conference, from 15.10.2020

Today, October 15, AO Association for Waste Recovery started the online conference "DeeeEDU: Through EDUcation we save the new generations" with the aim of discussing the most urgent problems related to the management of WEEE and the new challenges with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and respectively the even more accelerated growth in the following years of the amounts of WEEE generated, this while recycling rates remain very low. The event was attended by several experts in the field from

The online conference "DeeeEDU: through education we save the new generations", 15.10.2020

"DeeeEDU: through education we save the new generations", is the theme of this year's conference organized by the Waste Recovery Association (AVD), on the occasion of the International WEEE Day, the 3rd edition. Through this event, the Republic of Moldova officially joins the 112 organizations from 48 countries, which plan to organize various informational and educational activities regarding the education of responsible behavior in relation to the EEE purchased and used. The event is part of the "Clean city with recycled e-Waste" project, implemented by AVD with the support of the Program

Members of CCI of RM informed about efficient waste management

On October 6, the Waste Recovery Association participated in the first online dialogue session on the topic "Solutions for efficient waste management", organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, as part of the Joint Meeting of the Committees for Sectoral Entrepreneurship under the CCI of the Republic of Moldova, which was attended by over 50 members of the CCI. This event launched a series of other online meetings organized by CCI in

UE// AVD launched the "Solid waste management with community involvement" project

On Friday, October 2, the project launch conference was held in the Străseni City Hall "Solid waste management with community involvement". The project is implemented by AO Association for Waste Recovery within the EU Local Grants Program "Be the change: Citizens involved - Sustainable Communities!", launched through the project "Empowering citizens in the Republic of Moldova" (2019-2021), financed by European Union and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). The activities of this project will be carried out between September 2020 and August

UE-GIZ// Launch of the project "Management of solid waste through the active involvement of the community"

AO "Association for Waste Recovery", announces the launch conference of the project "Solid waste management through the active involvement of the community in Străseni district", Friday, October 2, at 9:30 a.m., at the headquarters of the Străseni Municipality, Meeting Room. By launching this project, the Association aims to contribute directly to increasing community awareness and participation in order to reduce the impact of waste on the environment and health. Obviously, it is not an easy task, rather a challenge,

Environmental benefits associated with Green Public Procurement

An important tool to achieve environmental policy objectives related to climate change, resource use and sustainable consumption and production – especially given the importance of public sector spending on goods and services in Europe is Green Public Procurement (GPE). The principles and definition describing the concept of green public procurement (GPP) were detailed in the press release (COM (2008) 400) "Public procurement for a better environment". These meaning "a process by which public authorities do