
About e-circular

This author e-circular has created 118 entries.

WORLD REFILL DAY Tips to ditch single-use packaging!

As we become more aware of the devastating effect plastic has on the environment, many of us are looking for ways to live more sustainably and reduce our use of single-use packaging. Reducing our plastic footprint is a great way to take action, and World Refill Day is a great time to start making small changes. We don't need one person to make it perfect by ditching plastic

The educational platform "ResourceEDU: Give up PLASTIC" was launched

In the context of World Environment Day, AO Training and Consultancy Center "E-CIRCULAR" and AO Verde e Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Environment launched today, June 8, 2023, in the premises of the College of Ecology, the online educational platform for teaching staff "ResourceEDU: Ditch the PLASTIC". The purpose of this platform is to promote sustainable practices and contribute to reducing the use of plastic materials by involving and empowering educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova. Through this platform, we want to offer

New legislative requirements regarding waste oil management have come into force

In the last quarter of 2022 it was published Government Decision no. 731/2022 of 26.10.2022 for the approval of the Regulation on the management of used oils and which enters into force today, 25.05.2023. The regulation establishes the requirements for the appropriate ecological management of used oils (UU) generated at the national level, by applying the extended producer responsibility regime, in accordance with the provisions of art. 12 and 52 of Law no. 209/2016 on waste, in compliance with international environmental agreements to which

From MAY 1, there was a BIG CLEANING OF THE PARKS OF CHISINAU through Plogging!

May 1, 2023 started in an eco-responsible way, namely by organizing a large plogging activity (running combined with waste collection) supported by the communities of amateur and professional athletes such as: MOLDOVA TRAIL RUN CLUB, Race Nation Moldova, Federation of Sports Orientation from the Republic of Moldova, Garmin Moldova and Run Moldova. In total, over 200 people of different ages participated in the organized event, who together collected around 100 bags of plastic waste from

The Eco-Innovators campaign


AO "E-Circular" in partnership with AO "Verde e Moldova" announces the launch of the national campaign "ECO-INNOVATORS OF THE YEAR" which will take place between April and September 2023. The campaign is part of the Project "Plastic waste in the Circular Economy: Solutions community" implemented with the financial support of the Small Grants Program GEF SGP Moldova, implemented by UNDP. The purpose of the campaign is to promote the slogan #RenunciaLaPlastic. In this sense, with the support and involvement of young people from the Republic of Moldova, we want to promote good practices of PREVENTION, REDUCTION AND RECYCLING of

Plastic in clothing and the effects on the human body

Did you know that nearly 70% of all clothing on the planet is made of plastic? The development of new textiles such as polyester and nylon has facilitated the emergence of so-called "fast fashion", where clothing items are worn on average only 7 times, losing their appearance and durability very quickly. These poorly made clothes made of plastic materials have many harmful side effects, such as, for example, plastic pollution and poisoning our body. How does this happen? Simple. During production, wearing

Green skills

Developing green skills among employees in the DASGDAD sector!

In a first for the country, under the auspices of a team of experts from the "E-CIRCULAR" Training and Consulting Center, the Study on the labor market assessment of the green skills and occupations needed in the "Water distribution, sanitation, waste management" sector was carried out , decontamination activities" from the Republic of Moldova, part of the project "Promotion of VET for a green economy", implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ) within the framework of German cooperation and co-financed by the Agency

Today, in an international premiere, the "ZERO WASTE" Day of 30.03.2023 is celebrated!

Today we celebrate the first edition of the international "ZERO WASTE" Day from 30.03.2023, officially launched by UNEP and UN-Habitat with the aim of raising awareness among the population of the importance of responsible consumption and production practices and waste management! Humanity generates more than 2 billion tons of municipal solid waste annually, of which 45% is poorly managed. Without urgent action, these will rise to almost 4 billion tonnes by 2050 with a disproportionately negative impact on the poor, up to 4 billion

Upcycle/Reuse Creative is this year's theme dedicated to Global Recycling Day, from 18.03.2023

If last year we discussed and promoted the errors of recycling, this year we urge you to CREATIVELY REUSE (upcycle) the things you don't need at the moment. Unlike "Recycling", "Creative Reuse" refers to the transformation of used or apparently useless objects into products of higher quality or with a higher functionality than the original product. Recycling, on the other hand, involves turning waste into new raw materials that can be used in the production of new products. The goal upcycle is of