
About e-circular

This author e-circular has created 118 entries.

From September 16, 2023, the Regulation on waste transfers came into force!

It entered into force on September 16, 2023 The regulation on waste transfers, approved by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 411 of June 22, 2022. Regulation is developed in accordance with art. 44, 45, 63-64 of Law no. 209/2016 on waste and with the Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova no. 1599-XIII of March 10, 1998 on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary transportation of hazardous waste and its disposal. The given regulation provides measures

The World Day of Cleanliness united the community of Străseni, Zubrești and Trebujeni for a cleaner environment!

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of protecting the environment, World Cleanup Day has become a significant event in the calendar of communities around the world. Under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment, this year, the partner localities of the "Plastic Waste in the Circular Economy: Community Solutions" project, specifically the municipality of Strășeni, the commune of Zubrești and the commune of Trebujeni in the Republic of Moldova, have shown solidarity and involvement in large-scale sanitation actions , mobilizing over 250 people to make the World Day a

Start online training: Using EXCEL in waste management planning

AO The "E-Circular" training and consulting center announces the organization of online training workshops with the theme "Using the EXCEL module for the development of local waste management programs and calculating tariffs for public waste management services". The workshops are addressed to mayors, deputy mayors, municipal sanitation operators, accountants, people involved in waste management planning activities from different waste management regions. Training participants will learn: How to use the EXCEL module. How to use EXCEL to calculate and visually present the data needed in

New provisions regarding payment for environmental pollution enter into force from 01.10.2023

Law no. was published in the Official Monitor. 247 of July 31, 2023 for the amendment Law no. 1540/1998 regarding payment for environmental pollution and which comes into force from 01.10.2023 IMPORTANT! 1. New tariff headings have been introduced, which according to the Combined Nomenclature of Goods represent packaging made of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and which will be subject to packaging tax. Art. 11, paragraph (4). The tax rate for goods that cause environmental pollution in the process of use is determined as follows: Tariff item codePackaging material Tax rate

Important announcement! AO EcoVisio launched the course "TO THE WASTE LIMIT"

If you are tired of garbage and want to better understand how to manage the waste in your life, then we invite you to get to know a new educational product by EcoVisio - the Course "At the Limit of Waste". WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN THE COURSE? where trash comes from and how to get rid of it how to incorporate waste reduction and management practices into your everyday life how to navigate your shopping to return home with less waste how

The Regulation on waste incineration and co-incineration was approved

On the current June 15, it was published in the Official Gazette GD no. 205/2023 for the approval of the Regulation on waste incineration and co-incineration. The regulation enters into force from 06.12.2023. The regulation is enforceable and extends to all economic agents in the Republic of Moldova, authorized to carry out waste incineration and/or co-incineration activities. The provisions of the Regulation apply to: stationary or mobile technical units and equipment defined in art. 17 para. (2) lit. a) from Law no. 209/2016 on waste as installations of

ECOMONDO – The Green Technology Expo, the largest international exhibition of green technologies!

AO E-Circular Training and Consulting Center this year enjoys the status of media partner of the largest international exhibition of green technologies ECOMONDO – The Green Technology Expo, from November 7-10, 2023, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy. This exhibition is an international benchmark event in Europe and the Mediterranean basin for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors. The exhibition hosts the main companies offering services, solutions and technologies in the environmental sector: from water management

The EU is about to break its promise!

The European Commission is ready to break its earlier promise to ban all but the most essential hazardous chemicals by law, according to the latest documents made public. The commitment to "ban the most harmful chemicals from consumer products, allowing their use only where essential" was a flagship component of the European Green Deal when it was launched in 2020. In an update of the REACH regulation of the EU mentioned the fact that

Start the dedicated national campaign "Plastic Free July 2023"

AO "E-Circular Training and Consulting Center" in the context of activities organized globally on the occasion "Plastic Free July 2023", invites public and private institutions from the Republic of Moldova to join the national Campaign "Support MOLDOVA, refuse PLASTIC, I'm EUROPE", period 01 - 31 July 2023. In 2023, the first  National reference study on plastic waste in the Republic of Moldova. The study data confirmed that recycling is not unique

The offer of continuing education programs for adults!

Through Order of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova from June 2023, AO E-Circular Training and Consulting Center obtained: Accreditation for a duration of 5 years of the Professional Training Program for adults "Responsible for waste management", 3 study credits. Provisional authorization of the Adult Professional Training Program "Environmental Compliance Inspector", 3 study credits. Provisional authorization of the Adult Vocational Training Program "Aqueduct Locksmith", 12 study credits. EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATE A