
About e-circular

This author e-circular has created 118 entries.

10 recommendations to reduce the amount of WEEE

Technology has evolved so rapidly in recent decades that today it is hard to imagine what our lives would be like without smartphones, laptops, washing machines, refrigerators and many other electrical and electronic devices. But our addiction to technology and need for new devices has created one of the biggest environmental problems of our time – waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-Waste). Annually, around 50 million tons of e-Waste are generated globally, and the amount of e-Waste generated

EcoVisio, closer to doctors in the fight against COVID-19

Out of the desire to support those who fight the pandemic daily, the EcoVisio public association donated several materials to the hospitals in Balti and Căușeni, the first medical institutions in the districts that took in patients infected with COVID-19. At the moment, a total of 130 patients diagnosed with or with symptoms of infection with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the two hospitals. At the same time, 30% of the medical staff of Căuşeni hospital was infected with the new coronavirus, while in Bălți, 18 medical workers

Interview with Roxana Puia, Marketing Director of the Environ Association, Romania

The recycling industry can contribute to job creation and the development of a green and sustainable economy!   What can you tell us about the WEEE market in Romania and how complicated it was to meet the collection target? RP – In general, the situation regarding waste management in Romania is full of challenges, and the field of electrical waste is no exception. We face the lack of legislative harmonization, the absence of municipal collection points that should be found

Instruction on keeping records and transmitting data and information on waste and its management

Instructions on reporting waste data and information

Conformable Government Decision no. 501 of 29.05.2018 for the approval of the Instruction on keeping records and transmitting data and information about waste and its management, waste holders, regardless of the type of activity, type of property, legal form of organization and source of financing, are obliged to prepare and present data and information on waste and its management. Accordingly, in order to facilitate the reporting of waste data and information and its management, waste holders must

Problematic aspects in the implementation of legal mechanisms regarding the management of medical waste

Author: Igor Şeremet, Lawyer, university lecturer, at the Department of International and European Law of the Faculty of Law of the USM, Doctor in Law Although, the special legislative basis regarding the regulation of the management of production and household waste for the purpose of their reduction and their maximum reintroduction into the economic circuit, as well as, for the purpose of preventing environmental pollution, was fixed by Law no. 1347-XIII of 09.10.1997 [1 ], the first normative approaches regarding waste from medical activity were

Waste management is an essential public service in the fight against COVID-19

Waste management is an essential public service in the fight against COVID-19

Given the scale and pace of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the aggressive impact on human health and the global economy is intensifying day by day, forcing governments to urgently address the issue of medical, household and waste management other types of hazardous waste. Indisputably, waste management is an essential public service in the fight against COVID-19, with the aim of minimizing possible secondary impacts on health and the environment. During such an outbreak, they are

Global Recycling Day 2020

The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) launched for the first time in 2018 - "Global Recycling Day" to recognize the benefits of recycling at an international level. Establishing a day each year to recognize the vital role that recycling plays in preserving the well-being of our planet is an effective way of focusing the world's attention on the essential and urgent steps needed to protect the future of planet Earth. World Recycling Day was celebrated for the first time on 18

Become an ACTIVIST for the environment and society at ACTIVECO 2020!

EcoVisio launches the 8th edition of the activEco ecological education program, through which it supports young people to become agents of change in Moldova, but also in the neighboring regions of Ukraine and Romania. Find out below what the program can offer you and how to participate! activEco 2020 will start with an Impulse Seminar in English between March 22-27, at the EcoVisio Training Center in the village of Rîșcova (Criuleni district). At the seminar you will find the first dose of motivation and creative energy, but also a community of people who

Ecoprime Recycle SRL products: compostable and sustainable for the environment!

For more than a year, the company "Ecoprime Recycle" SRL has been promoting sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic packaging. They have placed themselves on the market in the Republic of Moldova with quality products based on plants, i.e. rapidly renewable resources, such as corn starch or sugar cane. After they are used, products offered by Ecoprime Recycle can be composted, some at home and others in industrial composting centers. Since they fall under the category of organic waste, they are the only packaging that can


Water plays a unique role as a substance that determines the possibility of existence and the very life of all creatures on Earth (Wikipedia). True water is in our country, as in an old Russian fairy tale: "living" and "dead". At home, we use «живую», and we can use it. With «dead» water it is much more complicated: it is located in our rivers and lakes. You can't drink it, you can't water cattle, you can't breed birds and you can't catch fish either. However, some manage to swim in this "dead" water. A lot of these daredevils.