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This author e-circular has created 118 entries.

INTERVIEW with the Mayor of Cărpineni commune

Compliance of Local Public Authorities (LPA) with the provisions of Law no. 209 regarding waste, involves ensuring the efficient execution of the imperative requirements for the management of certain categories of waste. In this context, the LPAs of the Republic of Moldova are assigned the responsibility of creating an efficient system of integrated waste management by ensuring their separate collection, setting up special spaces for storing separately collected waste, storing municipal waste only in specially designed places, determining how to manage municipal waste and not

Attracting investors, a necessity for SIMD from Moldova

Sergiu MACHIDON, entrepreneur with 11 years of experience and investment consultant for over 5 years, represents a group of private investors from Switzerland, Luxembourg and Great Britain, interested in investing in Integrated Waste Treatment and Recovery Stations. Sergiu has carried out feasibility studies for waste treatment projects in over 16 countries, including the Republic of Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Great Britain, USA, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Thailand, Vietnam,

Conceptual aspects of Extended Producer Responsibility

The current hazardous and production waste management system in the Republic of Moldova is not integrated and based on activities in accordance with the "waste hierarchy" and on an "Extended Producer Responsibility" mechanism for waste management, similar to the Community one, as a result of which it does not ensures the minimization of potential threats to the environment and the population. Starting from the special law no. 209/2016 on waste, some general regulations are of interest that configure the "Extended Producer Responsibility" institution as a distinct one within the mechanism of

Finland: Deposit system (DRS – deposit refund system)

These images seem familiar to some of us, to others just a memory of the stories of the greatest. Surely by now most people know about how milk bottles were reused in many parts of the world, even in the USSR. Apparently it's a pretty effective mechanism, even if it was used maybe for other reasons before. Great Britain instituted a new system of "milk suppliers" or as they call him, milkman. They also have extended

France: Global leader in implementing Extended Producer Responsibility

From childhood we were taught to eat everything from the plate, the luckiest can share the leftovers with the animals in the yard, but with increasing urbanization and industrialization, the problem of food waste has become a palpable and even pressing one. We produce more than we consume, and in the end, organic waste along with plastic and other substances pollute the environment intensely. We started to promote the superficial perfection of products, packaging and forgot to check what is really nutritious and

The head of state endangers the ecological security of the Republic of Moldova

For more than six years, ecologists have been resisting oligarchic clans in agriculture, who want to obtain the legalization of irrigation from underground. Recently, however, pressure was resumed from Mr. Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of Moldova, and interest groups in the field of agriculture, regarding modification of the normative framework for the purpose of using the strategic underground drinking water reserves for irrigation. "Through such decisions, the Head of State actually neglects the provisions of the normative framework and the opinion of scientific institutions and, following the statements

Italy: "Pay for what you throw away"

Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) is another economic tool that aims to raise consumer awareness of the fact that waste costs, while also aiming to induce the same behaviors such as reducing waste generation, increasing recycling and reducing landfill quantities. In Italy, the public company The counter uses the PAYT ("Pay-as-you-throw") system, which involves charging based on the actual amount that a household or person generates.  The counter serves 554,000 inhabitants in the Veneto region of Italy. So,

Spain: Economic tools in waste management

In 2018, EU member states agreed on a comprehensive set of laws aimed at preventing the creation of household waste and boosting recycling. The new laws transpose the provisions of the 4 EU directives: Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (WFD), Directive (EU) 2018/850 on landfills (LD), Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste ( PPWD) and Directive (EU) 2019/904 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. All member states are expected to reflect agreed EU laws in

Study on WEEE in the municipality of Chisinau

AO "Association for Waste Recovery” presents the results of the Study on WEEE in the municipality of Chisinau. The study was completed in June 2020 and is part of the "Clean city with recycled e-Waste - Recycle today for your health tomorrow" project implemented by AVD with the support GEF SGP Moldova Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP Moldova in partnership with MoldRec Association. The present study, the first of its kind in the country, provides an overview

Interview with Ioncu Mihail, Director of SA "Salubrity Soldănești"

SA "Salubritate Șoldănești" at 5 years of activity: achievements, challenges and future plans! SA "Salubritate Șoldănești" was established on January 14, 2015, by 21 LPAs of the first level from the Șoldănești district, 1 LPA of the first level from the Rezina district and 1 LPA of the second level which is the Șoldănești District Council. The foundation of the Company took place as a result of the implementation of the pilot project "Improving the solid waste management system in the districts of Soldănești, Rezina and